The newest play I'm working on is Kill Move Paradise by James Ijames and directed by Darryl V. Jones with Shotgun Players in Berkeley, CA. This piece is heartwrenching and powerful. When I first read it on a bus, I tried not to cry, but it moved me so much. I could not say no to it.
So here I am designing a four-person play, which seems easy enough, but those assumingly smooth productions are the ones that get you with the work! The verdict is still out, but I'm sure it will be worth the work, whatever the load is.
It is a beautiful play with four talented men, and I hope every audience member takes something away from it. It's one of those plays where you desire it to spark action in the community. Those are the scripts that I'm attracted to, the ones that make you want to take action, think outside the box, tug at your heart, question the world we live in; those are the magical pieces of art I like to create and I am asked repeatedly to work on. I enjoy them to be honest.
So much thought and care will be going into this play on all ends. I am anticipating to when it opens and the response of the audience.
"This award-winning play takes the Elysium of Greek antiquity and flips the script. Inspired by recent events, the play is an expressionistic buzz saw through the contemporary myth that "all lives matter." Ben Brantley of the New York Times writes: "Kill Move Paradise radiates an urgent and hypnotic theatrical energy." -Shotgun Players
Kill Move Paradise runs July 5, 2019-August 4, 2019 at Ashby Stage at 1901 Ashby Avenue, Berkeley, California 94703
For more information on the play check out Shotgun Players and their website: